Saturday, March 3, 2007


is this what you had in mind?

was trying (here's the link:, but encountered connection problems so wasnt able to really try it out. but so far, from what i gathered there, you cant post comments on the photoalbum. but i think we can post invidual pics with comments not using its photoalbum feature. so, multiply appears to be better. the only good thing about it is that you can add a number of pages (blog, forum, webform).

as for this site, blogger. so far, this seems good enough. maybe im not yet very familiar with its features but so far, i think the only problem here is the limited interface or layout or something like that. and i dont think there can be a welcome page or a page explaining the site. or i just dont know how to do it on this site...not yet. so, multiply, again, appears to be better when it comes to manageability. the good thing about this site is convenience for the moderators. we can easily filter the comments being posted because there is an option that an approval of the blog owner must first be secured before the comment can be posted.

Friday, March 2, 2007

more pesky billboards

more of them nasty billboards! they're a bunch of eyesores! except for that billboard in katipunan. i like that kashieca girl. her billboard should be an exception

when push comes to shove

dont do that, you might hurt your buddy there. if that sack of whatever is in there falls on his head, youre goin to be liable. in the eyes of law, there is injury, and someone's got to pay!

Txting while Xing...tsk tsk tsk

Hey, silly pedestrian! Crossing the street aint safe, and you aint making it safer by not looking! i dont care how many years youve been crossing streets, whether its time immemorial or not, that dont make ya a professional pedestrian who has a license to cross without looking.

long line

dont you just hate those long lines? well, live with it! ok...cant think of anything to comment, because aside from this is taken from a private establishment, its a line for those who are waiting for taxis. as nelson from the simpsons would say, "Ha Ha!".

bothersome billboards!

ok, this is just a sample. but i do find billboards bothersome. anyway, the problem of using blogs is that, well, the posts are done sequentially. not much of a con (pro and con), right?